Antonis SkordilisFOUNDER & CEO
Dr Antonis Skordilis is driven by an inexhaustible passion for nature and plants, as his scientific knowledge in combination with broad experience present defining forces for designing spaces to be loved and to be lived. With a forever-innovative way of thinking, he maintains a drive for experiencing the new thing, which in return allows him to give out-of-the-box solutions to design. As a Botanist, his expertise covers and expands beyond the ecology of the Mediterranean ecosystems as he playfully exploits the local flora as a mean to establish the essence of a place/space.
As a cofounder of GREENWAYS LTD (1997) and founder of ECOCAPES (2013), Antonis has led over 500 landscape projects in Greece and abroad. His work addresses landscape architectural planning and detailed design for a wide spectrum of project types such as parks, hotel establishments and resorts, corporate buildings, university campuses, private residences, ecologically disrupt sites and habitat recreation, green roofs, edible gardens and more. With each new project presenting a challenging opportunity, Antonis aims to achieve harmony between the new landscape design, the natural surrounding environment and the architectural style, as each project is perceived and thought through with intriguing attention. Having in mind the lasting evolution of landscapes he designs combining aesthetically ambitious spaces always with great affinity to the site’s environmental values and characteristic qualities, ensuring that these elements are benefiting the growth of the micro-ecosystem and its user. Understanding more than ever, that the spaces we inhibit are the same ones that shape us, Antonis follows closely the evolution of landscape architecture within a global and environmental context.
Antonis is a Visiting Professor of Environmental Planning at Harokopeio University of Athens, Greece. During the last 25 years he has participated in many Greek and International Environmental Research Projects and has supervised more than 50 thesis of graduate and post graduate students.
He graduated from the National University of Athens with a Degree in Biology. In 1992 he received his PhD in Plant Ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems, while having trained at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, London in Conservation Biology and Landscape Ecology.
Every year Antonis attends well-known international conventions (e.g. the Chelsea Flower Show in London and Plant Days at Courson, Paris) and systematically commits to introducing in his designs the most recent developments in the industry inspired by top professionals worldwide.
He spends most of his spare time at his beautiful 3-hectare estate in the Peloponnese, where he experiments with new ornamental plants, traditional vegetables, and bio cultivation techniques.
Nikos KassisCO-FOUNDER
A man of action, Nikos was born in Athens in 1979. A Technologist Agronomist with emphasis to Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture, he specializes in water resources management as well as integrated irrigation systems installations.
He has worked as a researcher at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute, participating in laboratory research analyzing the management of phytoregulatory substances.
He worked in several greenhouse units for the cultivation of horticultural and floricultural plants, being in charge of production efficiency and quality control. Within ECOSCAPES he's in charge during construction and installation phases, bringing to life the elaborate or simplistic visions of our design team.
& an inspiting team of designers, Landscape architects, botanists, horticulture engineers that strive to make the world a better place through creating beatiful landscapes.


